Why is it important to know the biography of those who stand at the top of the capitalist world? For the same reason why it is important to know history. The ability to try on someone else’s experience is not something shameful. Other people’s mistakes and experiences help make the right decision, find the proper guideline and achieve something new. Hence, I will tell you about the success story of American billionaire Dan Pena, his QLA Methodology, and how he is related to Bitcoin.
Who is Dana Pena, and Why Do People Talk About Him
You have probably already noticed that people who have made a name for themselves have a non-trivial success story.
Dan Peña was born in 1945 in Florida. Dan dropped out of high school as a teenager and switched to the US Air Force. Four years later, Peña went to study at West Los Angeles College and then at Pepperdine University. In 1970, he began working in the oil and gas industry, which determined the direction of his career. Interesting choice, isn’t it?
As for Dan Pena business, he soon founded Great Western Resources, which was sold to Santa Fe Energy Resources in 1988 for $265 million. Peña has also invested his fortune in gold, real estate, silver, and Bitcoin.
The story of Dan Pien with Bitcoin came out very loud: he said that Bitcoin is a project for the subversive activities of Russian intelligence agencies that seek to destroy the global financial system. Thus, Dan Peña net worth is tied to traditional business and transparent investments. Dana Penh believes that bitcoin has no future.
Now Dan Peña lives in Guthrie Castle, Angus, Scotland. That is a posh 15th-century mansion, which, by the way, is open for conducting various events.
How Rich is Dan Pena: QLA Methodology of How To Do The Same
Dana Pena is known worldwide thanks to the unique methodology for achieving success, which the businessman tested on himself. QLA (Quantum Leap Advantage) helps you to formulate goals correctly, get out of your comfort zone and stay motivated.

The program consists of seminars supported by audio and video materials on the most important business topics. Dan gives a lot of free QLA materials, which you can find on his website.
You can also participate in the QLA seminar, which you can find here.
QLA will help you grow into a multimillionaire like Dan Pena. At the moment, Dan Pena net worth is estimated at $450 million.
Final Words
We live surrounded by people with a wide variety of activities. Each of us can learn from the other. Realizing this is half the battle.
Dan Pena is the kind of person who not only allows us to learn more about his business path but also prepares a program for transferring his own experience. You may learn something new or challenge his anti-Bitcoin philosophy. However, questioning is a component of success.